Wednesday, October 29, 2008


Saturday, November 15th, 4:00 PM to 5:30 PM
Leadership Seminar –Trampoline Aerial Acrobatic Kicks
Yes! You get to practice your kicks on a trampoline and jumping off of it to kick the bags! Don’t miss this awesome event!

Saturday, November 22nd, 8:00 PM to
Sunday, November 23rd, 9:00 AM
Karate School Sleepover – Pack your sleeping bags and pillows and join us for a night of karate movies and popcorn! We must have at least 10 students sign up and no more than 30, so get on the list right away. Cost $25.00

In celebration of the Thanksgiving holiday the Academy will be closed from Wednesday, November 26th through Sunday, November 30th. Regular classes will resume on Monday, December 1st.

Saturday, December 6th, 3:00 PM to 5:30 PM
Karate Tournament to include Kata, Sparring and Weapons – All attending students will receive a participation trophy. Be sure to sign up before the November 25th deadline. Cost $25.00

Friday, December 12th, 7:00 to 9:00 PM
ASKA Event – Weapons Seminar with Master Paul Keller!
Space will be limited so sign up early and have the opportunity to train with Master Keller. Other schools are coming too. Cost $25.00

Saturday, December 13th, 12:00 PM to 3:00
Christmas/Holiday Party – All students, friends and family members are invited to this year-end celebration. Come join for lots of fun and feel free to bring goodies to share. Santa will be there too!

Saturday, December 20th, 11:30 AM
GRADUATION – Location to be announced.
This is a Black Belt Graduation so dress attire is required.
There will be a Black Belt Dinner at PF Changs.


Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Did you know that there is POWER in setting goals? When you have set a goal, your efforts are focused in a specific direction...and you are able to accomplish things that you didn't think were possible!

for example...

1. can you imagine a man who has just climbed Mount Everest...when interviewed, he was asked, "How could you possibly make it to the top of the world's highest mountain?" and he replies, "Well, I was just out walking around one day, and the next thing I knew, there I was!"

2. or how about a man who was recently promoted to the top position in a major company; when asked the secret of his success, he responds, "It was the strangest thing! I just kept showing up for work, and they kept promoting me until I became President!"

3. or a young boy or girl who has just earned their 1st Degree Black Belt; if we ask them, "How did you accomplish such a thing at such a young age?" and the new Black Belt replies, "I kind of like Karate; I kept coming, and after a while they made me a Black Belt!"


What is the POWER of GOALSETTING in each of these situations?

Remember the SMART goal setting plan: goals should be
Specific; Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time-Measurable;

for our younger students...Just ask, “What do you want to be? To do? Then explain that these things are goals!

Sunday, October 12, 2008

Wow what an awesome ASKA camp!

As many of you know Master Keller was in town this weekend. What a privilege and honor it was to be able to host his stay for the 2nd Papa Joe (Master Hayes) Memorial Seminar. This camp was attended by Master Paul Keller (Papa Paul), Master Jules Pommier (Papa Joules), Sensei Bryan Kautzman, Sensei Karl Gruber, and Myself (Sensei Scott Shoen). Footwork, Sparring, Escrima, Weapons (Kobudo), and much more were covered.

During the cam Master Jules Pommier received his Seventh Degree Black Belt or shichidan Dan. This is a life time of effort and accomplishment. We congratulate him, his students, and his academy. Way to go!

If you were not there ask Mr. Kondic, or Father Mwaka about the camp to find out all the karate secrets that they picked up at the camp.

Wish you all a great rest of your Sunday!

Saturday, October 4, 2008

Way to go Students! Awesome Graduation.

This has to be our best graduation ever. You all rocked and looked so sharp. Many of our advanced students got show off their higher kata. Nice work! The confidence and discipline of our students showed was really Black Belt Leadership Excellence.

I am very thankful and impressed by all our students and their supportive and wonderful families. You are all the best. See you in class next week for stripe testing!

Scott Shoen