In this Post:
- Upcoming Events & Updates
- Instructor's Corner
- Big MMA Seminar - Here all about the seminar from our students.
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Important News:
- Summer Fun Time - Summer is here! We will be going outside for classes, playing more games, and doing a ton of special days. So watch out for the news right here and on Facebook.
- Congratulations to Our New Instructor Candidates - Cory Trojan and Sam McCoy. Way to go! We all look forward to seeing you shadow in classes.
Instructor's Corner
If You Could…
By Luke Morris
Black Belt, Certified Instructor

Henry Ford summed up this phenomenon in a profound way:
“Whether you think you can do something or whether you think you can’t, you’re right.”
This doesn’t mean that believing in yourself or “thinking you can” is all it takes to succeed, or even that giving your all will necessarily bring you to your goal. There are no guarantees in life. But believing you can’t will virtually guarantee failure.
Think about this in terms of your training. As long as you believe that a certain technique is too complicated to master, you’ll never get it. You’ll hold yourself back to match your expectations for yourself. True, keeping this low standard means you’ll never be disappointed in your performance, but it also means you’ll never push yourself to the level of which you’re truly capable.
On the other hand, if you open up your mind to the possibility that you can master the technique, you will discover resources you didn’t know you had, and you will find yourself approaching the perfection you seek. High standards mean high rewards.
Think about it: What would you do if you knew you could not fail? That is what you must set as your standard, and accept nothing from yourself that does not keep you on the path to that end.
Now is the time to throw off the old limiting beliefs. Inside every martial artist is a better martial artist fighting to get out. So let it out! Set your sights high, choose your goal carefully, and go for it. You won’t know what you can’t do until you’ve given it all you have.
Big MMA Seminar - What did our students have to say?
Congratulations to all our awesome students. Master Riccardo was really impressed! Especially our elite girls team and our CIT Team. Holly and Bruna really represented! Way to go Cory and Mr. McCoy. Next time be sure to wear your rocking shirts girls.
Weekly Challenge: Review what you learned at the BIG MMA Seminar. Be sure to leave feedback at our Facebook page and Dion Riccardo's FB Page too.
Bonus: Spend 15 mins doing one of the new drills each day this week and take it to the next level.
====================================================Bonus: Spend 15 mins doing one of the new drills each day this week and take it to the next level.
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