Tuesday, October 21, 2008


Did you know that there is POWER in setting goals? When you have set a goal, your efforts are focused in a specific direction...and you are able to accomplish things that you didn't think were possible!

for example...

1. can you imagine a man who has just climbed Mount Everest...when interviewed, he was asked, "How could you possibly make it to the top of the world's highest mountain?" and he replies, "Well, I was just out walking around one day, and the next thing I knew, there I was!"

2. or how about a man who was recently promoted to the top position in a major company; when asked the secret of his success, he responds, "It was the strangest thing! I just kept showing up for work, and they kept promoting me until I became President!"

3. or a young boy or girl who has just earned their 1st Degree Black Belt; if we ask them, "How did you accomplish such a thing at such a young age?" and the new Black Belt replies, "I kind of like Karate; I kept coming, and after a while they made me a Black Belt!"


What is the POWER of GOALSETTING in each of these situations?

Remember the SMART goal setting plan: goals should be
Specific; Measurable, Attainable, Realistic, Time-Measurable;

for our younger students...Just ask, “What do you want to be? To do? Then explain that these things are goals!

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