2-7 12:00 to 1:30
8-12 1:30 to 3:00
13-Adult 3 to 4:30
if you need to go to the make up graduation on Next Friday at
5:00 to 6:00 call to register.
Thank you,
Scott Shoen
P.S. Please bring all weapons and sparring gear (mouth guard), etc.
P.P.S. CIT if you would like to help come as early as 10:00 am on Saturday. Thanks.
Check out this email from Master Paul Keller's original karate instructor to Papa Mike (a 9th degree black belt in Columbus Ohio).
Dear Mike,
We spent five days in Jamaica, so I was not able to reply to your e-mail before you visit Paul. There is definitely something I want you to tell him. In addition, all members of the ASKA should know this truth.
In an important historical occasion which took place in the late 1960s Nagamine and Chotoko Omine, Nagamine's best student, visited Dayton, Ohio. The Kensei wanted to see his son Takayoshi, and to assess what I had accomplished with Matsubayashi Karate in the United States. Omine called me and stated Nagamine desired my immediate attendance, together with two of my best students. The next day I went to Dayton, accompanied by Paul Keller and Walt Sapranov.
We met Nagamine and Omine in James K. Wax's dojo. We five changed into our karate uniforms. Nagamine wanted to examine Paul by comparing his forms to those of Omine. The two karatemen stood side by side, facing Nagamine. They performed all of the forms together, each kata both by Nagamine's count, and without it. Their fierce, brilliant, powerful, and vivid presentation of Matsubayashi Karate was an honor to see.
It was not possible to discern a difference between Paul and Omine, because a difference did not exist. They were equally perfect in every sense. In the history of Shorin-ryu karate this was a unique event because for the first time an American and an Okinawan, both high experts of karate, stood side by side demonstrating all the forms and the American was certainly as good as was the Okinawan and Nagamine acknowledge this fact by looking at me and nodding. This was the best and finest compliment I have ever received from Nagamine.
Such is the excellence of the founder of the American Shorin-ryu Karate Association.
Warmest personal regards,
Gary Tiktin, President
American Karate Federation
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