- Words to Live by...
- Ten Ways to Help your Child with their Homework
- Tips on Butterfly Guard and the Straight Armbar Move of the Month
Words to live by...
Do more than belong: participate.
Do more than care: help.
Do more than believe: practice.
Do more than be fair: be kind.
Do more than forgive: forget.
Do more than dream: work.
=====================================================================Ten Ways to Help your Child with their Homework
Most children do not like to do their homework. I believe this is because they feel forced to do their homework. Learning is naturally fun and exciting but being tested and required to perform can take the joy out of learning.
Here are some of my ideas for changing all that. We can focus on empowering and encouraging our children to do their homework on their own. Remember that homework is your child’s responsibility and you are their coach. As a coach be the one that helps them meet that challenge. If you provide a structure and help, your child can get their homework done and enjoy it.
1. The word homework can be replaced with 'study'. Have study table instead of homework table. Study time is about studying even if your child doesn’t have any homework. Explain that studying is a life long habit that everyone does. Show them that knowledge gives them power and studying is the way to get that knowledge.
2. Have a study routine for your child. Make it the same time everyday. If they stick to that schedule it will get easier and easier.
3. Keep the routine simple. Have a heads up that the study time is about to start.
4. Your child can have a choice about what time you set as study time.
5. Help your child, only if they ask for it. Encourage your child that they can do it. When aiding them try to use questions to guide them to find the answer on their own. This improves learning and shows them that they can do it.
6. Eliminate distractions such as phone calls and television during their 'study' time.
7. Establish a regular place for doing homework.
8. Provide supplies and identify resources. Collect pencils, pens, erasers, writing paper, an assignment book, a dictionary, and any needed resources.
9. Set a good example by talking with your child about what you're studying, reading, and writing.
10. Be sure to take breaks. Productivity is increased by as much as 35% when people take breaks. I like to use 25 mins on and 5 off or 50 mins on and 10 off.
Bonus: Let this process take time. No good habit can be made overnight. Let each person progress at whatever pace they can. Remember that you and your child are on the same side and you are the coach. Focus on being a good finder and pay attention to the behavior you want and you will get more of it.
Sit back and enjoy the fact that your child is learning to be responsible and grow.
Tips on Butterfly Guard and the Straight Armbar Move of the Month
1. Control your partner weight, head, arms, and hips before beginning any move.
2. Establish the butterfly guard with arms wrapped around the back and in an s-grip.
3. Bring your arm up and over the outside crease of their elbow. Use your forarm like a hack saw to turn and straighten their arm. Your head and neck can help with this too.
4. If you are attacking the right arm be sure to have gable grip with the right hand on top.
5. Use both your knees to control the arm and shoulder for a better submission.
6. Pull and dig with your arms and squeeze your knees down and into the floor.
As always be careful with this move because it is very effective and works quickly. Have fun rolling. See you on the mat.
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