Wednesday, February 23, 2011

Kids Karate Aurora OH

  • 4 NEVERS AND ALWAYS YOUR CHILD MUST KNOW - Keep your child safe by arming them with these safety tips.                                                                                                   
  • BRING A BUDDY WEEK IS NEXT WEEK - Invite your friends, family, co-workers and neighbors to take class with you. This is a great way to get the ones you care about involved in training at Family Martial Arts and gain all the benefits of regular training. We always count it a HONOR to meet anyone you bring...Thank You!

  • WEEKLY CHALLENGE - Are you up to the challenge?



1. Never do something for a stranger. If a stranger does ask you to do something say, "Okay."* Then go get a grown-up a tell them right away.
2. Never get in a car, van, bus, or any vehicle with a stranger.
3. Never go in a stranger's home.
4. Never keep secrets with strangers or with adults other than your parents. If a stranger does ask you to keep a secret say, "Okay."* Then go get a grown-up a tell them right away.

*They say, "Okay" so the stranger doesn't feel threatened that the child will expose them and take action to stop them from telling.

1. Always go to Mom or Dad right away with anything a stranger might asks you to do.
2. Always go to Mom or Dad right away when a stranger asks you to keep a secret.
3. Always go to Mom or Dad right away if a stranger does anything to you that doesn't feel right. You will never be in trouble. (This can be a good time to talk with your child about the private parts of his or her body. Make sure they know no one is allowed to touch those parts for any reason, even close friends or family members.)
4. Always go to Mom or Dad right away with anything that doesn't feel right.

Reviewing the Four Nevers & Always regularly and role-playing is key. If you just "know" these skills they are of little worth. They must become a true skill through practice or nervousness, embarrassment, and fear will be too great a barrier for your child to come to you. Lets keep all our karate kids in Aurora safe by sharing these tips with friends and family.


Weekly Challenge: Give someone close to you permission to test your awareness at home or work (At school might not be the best idea). Have them put their hand out for high fives and then pull it back so you have to be fast. If parents or family members have blockers, let them try to get you while you dodge or block.

Of course if someone knows how to really trigger you with punches, kicks, and openings then give that a try. Make sure it is not so much that you get overwhelmed. It should be a real surprise and keep it fun! 

Here is how you get a point: you don't get hit, you catch the high fives, or your make eye contact, say, "yes, Sir/Mama", and follow the command the first time without hesitation. Of course adjust for age.

Lastly, be sure to take other types attacks into account like asking your child to make their bed. Try this for the next week and see how it goes. I am excited to hear all our students and karate kids feedback in the comments below. Aurora should be alive with the sound of Ninja this week!

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