Wednesday, March 16, 2011

Twinsburg MMA Training Gyms

In this Post
  • News and Upcoming Events
  • Thoughts on Training
  • Challenge of the Week
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Dates to Remember:
  • April 3 - 10th - Academy closed for Spring Break.
  • April 16th Saturday - Next Academy Graduation.
Thought our students might enjoy this article from one of my top MMA coaches Dion Riccardo.

Why You Feel So Up & Down about Your Training.
If I only had one thing left to say about martial arts training - this would be it!

I wrote this because I have had so many discussions with students and instructors over the last several weeks and it has become my focus to drive this message home

Let me start of by saying that in my over 27 years training in the martial arts there has been many times I felt good & bad about my progress.
There is a reason for that, so let me explain...
Learning any new skill involves relatively brief spurts of progress, each of which is followed by a slight decline to a plateau somewhat higher in most cases than that which preceded it…the upward spurts vary; the plateaus have their own dips and rises along the way…
To take the master’s journey, you have to practice diligently, striving to hone your skills, to attain new levels of competence. But while doing so–and this is the inexorable–fact of the journey–you also have to be willing to spend most of your time on a plateau, to keep practicing even when you seem to be getting nowhere.
Notice in the diagram below, that the overall trend is upward in skill proficiency, however the plateau is the periods when you feel "down".
Important to see here is that if you would quit at the first plateau, there would be no growth.
Also, Right after the period of plateau there is a SPIKE in skill level!

This fact of devoting much of your time on plateaus or even backsliding may be frustrating or dispiriting if you are hellbent on bottom-line progress.

But the person on the path of mastery not only acknowledges the plateau, he embraces it and learns to love “practice” for its own sake and rewards. I think this advice can be of great help to those of us struggling with plateaus in the effort to get fit, lose weight, or advance mma training, kickboxing or grappling skills.
Mastery is not about reaching perfection, but rather comes from maintaining a particular mindset as you move along the path of improvement in building your skills or overcoming challenges in any endeavor.
I will try to write more on this subject and give you more insight on the "Mindset" we need to have about our training and how it will crossover and help in our everyday lives!

If you thought that this helped you, please comment on our Facebook Fan page, I eagerly await your comments....
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Weekly Challenge: Improve your goal setting skills. Here is the formula to use to reach you goals: Focus X Discipline = Productivity

Many times we think we don't have enough discipline to reach our goals. Or maybe we just can't because we don't have enough $, time, skill, etc... I know I have felt that way in the past. Here is one of the possible cases with the formula above that I see happen very often.

Focus = .1; Discipline = 80; result is only 8% progress on the goal. Let me explain. I find when I speak with students and parents about reaching their goals that they don't have a very clear picture of the goal they want and the process to use to reach that goal. If this is the case then all the discipline in the world won't matter much. You will still struggle. 

I work to gain as much focus and clarity on my goal and the process to reach that goal before using an discipline. Then it makes it much easier to reach my goal and avoid possible breakdowns in the process. Spend more time really thinking deeply about what you want and how you will get to your goal and you find it is a lot easier than just trying to force your way to your goal. 

Challenge: Take one small goal that will take from one day to one week to accomplish. Take time to visualize and write out everything you will do to reach that goal and what is the goal exactly. Evaluate if this increased you Productivity. Let me know how it is working by commenting below.

P.S. Mind mapping is a great tool to use to help this process. If you have young children tell them a story about what you want them to do.
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Kids Karate Classes for Confidence

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