Wednesday, October 13, 2010

MMA Training in Aurora

How to Get the Most out of your MMA Training.

1. Decide head of time to focus your mind on just one thing.
Studies show that doing only one thing at a time increases productivity by 25%. So if you regularly work an 8 hour day focusing on just one thing at a time would be like working a 10 hour day.
For example:
  • I will focus on moving just like the instructor.
  • I will have mobile, fast, and solid footwork.
  • I will use my whole body on every movement and technique.
  • I will play only defense to improve my ability to see my opponent and increase my patience when striking and going for submissions. This way I can find the best movement and timing.
2. Use a powerful question to focus and refocus you mind during class.
 Ask your self this question many times during class.
  • For Example: Am I moving exactly like my instructor? Questions work much more effectively than statements.
3. Evaluate your incremental progress for this training session using questions.
  • How did my skills improve today?
  • What will be the long term results of consistent improvement like I achieved today?
  • What did I learn today?
  • How can I use what I learned to improve my life in general? 
Let me know how these tips help your training by commenting below.

Your Friendly Neighborhood Martial Arts Instructor,
Scott Shoen

P.S. I have include a picture of my original belts coming up through the ranks. This belt rack is on display in my home office. My white belt is now 27 years old! I can't believe it and yes there were only 5 colored belts (White, Yellow, Green, Blue and Brown). My original black belt is still active for special training sessions so I don't have it on a display.
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    1 comment:

    Jason Koeppe said...

    Sensei...couple of things.

    First, great post. These are simple things to do, but I often overlook many of them.

    when I have tried asking myself one question to focus my mind on an aspect of class, it has usually been either "am I moving exactly like my instructor" or "am I waiting on the opponent to strike first so I can move and respond accordingly". It has helped greatly.

    Also, where did you get the belt display...I have told my wife and kids that we need to get one of those and display them just like this, but didn't know there was a display case you could get. Of course I don't need one yet as I'm only an orange belt, but soon we will!
