Monday, August 24, 2009

Simplified Bo Basics, What I Eat for Lunch (PH Diet Info)

Bo Basics - Blocking Set

What I eat for Lunch. Ph Diet Continued.

The Student Oath Expanded.

1. Honor is following the rules the first time with out hesitation. (We follow the rules with out thinking first so we aren't tempted to take the easy way out. For example you get up out of bed in the morning before the thought to hit the snooze button crosses your mind.)

2. Integrity is keep your promises. (We keep our promises at a minimum of 90% of the time. If we break a promise we apologize and ask what we can do to make it. For example you say you will be some where at 8:00 and you show up at 8:05. You then apologize and offer to make it up. If you are late more that 1 out of 10 times you will lose that person's trust and it going to be tough to work with them.)

3. Self-Control means we don't always do what we feel like, but we always do what is right. (For example you may feel like cheating on a test so you don't have to study, but instead you study and earn an "A".)

3 comments: said...

Thanks for all your feed back. I heard from a couple of people about how the meal is small. I will usually have two smoothies and you could easily eat a salad twice that size. Also add some bananas and apples (Golden Delicious are best). I also try to eat five smaller meal a day to get my energy levels up.

Anonymous said...

Hello Sensei. This is Karen Reminder. I am going strong on my low carbs diet for about four or five days now. I'm not sure if this is the right blog you talked about though. I will say the first 1 1/2 days were real tough and I felt real hungry but it is the fourth day today and I am getting stronger. I do feel that my biggest obstacle was the physchological (excuse my spelling) part of it. I know I am doing something wonderful for myself and when I look at carbohydrates they are seeming less and less appealing. If I can get my cholesterol level down (and I know I will) I will be that much healthier and eventually lose a little weight. Now I just need to get back to full body workouts twice a week.
(Did I spell that right?)

Anonymous said...

Hello Sensei. It's Karen Reminder
again. It has been two months and I am still doing good on my low carb diet. I recently dropped three jean sizes and that feels wonderful. One more jean size and I will be at the weight I was at eleven years ago. I can't believe how easy it is to watch what you eat when you put your mind to it. I feel like food is not such a big part of my life anymore. And I do eat. I just think about what I'm eating now. I am more defined and there really isn't much fat on me anymore. Those first two days never knew what hit them. I have come out stronger and feel so much better about myself. I really encourage anyone who needs to lose weight and control their cholesterol and blood sugar levels to go on a low carb diet. And yes I am still doing full body workouts twice a week. It definitely can be done. And this is coming from someone who enjoys doing nothing when she can. I hope that someone who needs encouragement in this area will read this and be inspired. It is so worth it!!!